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Humour, Tears And ‘Questionable’ Stories From A Community Like No Other

Humour, Tears And ‘Questionable’ Stories From ...

In 1981 Richard Cordukes, an up-and-comer of Australian Para-athletics, was out to make a mark at his first Stoke Mandeville Games in England.
New Expertise Ready To Provide Strategic Guidance

New Expertise Ready To Provide Strategic Guidance

Paralympics Australia (PA) has made an important appointment to help strengthen its governance as the green and gold runway to Brisbane 2032 continues.
Brisbane 2032 Leaders: Gold Coast Is The Living Legacy Of Mega Sport Events

Brisbane 2032 Leaders: Gold Coast Is The Living Le...

The Gold Coast has been marked a ‘Living Legacy’ of mega-sport events by Brisbane 2032 leaders, following the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee Bo
Paralympic Centre Of Excellence: A World-Leading Legacy Plan

Paralympic Centre Of Excellence: A World-Leading L...

The proposed Paralympic Centre of Excellence, announced by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Wednesday, would be a visionary leap towards changing the landscape for Paral
‘Share The Love’: Paralympics Australia’s Vice President Appointments Explained

‘Share The Love’: Paralympics Australia’s Vi...

he Paralympics Australia Board has appointed two Vice Presidents to help perform a range of increased duties associated with the execution of the organisation’s Strategic Plan an
Incoming CMO To Look At Medical Framework ‘Bigger Picture’

Incoming CMO To Look At Medical Framework ‘Bigge...

Paralympics Australia’s newly appointed Chief Medical Officer for Paris 2024, Sport and Exercise Physician Dr Steve Reid, wants to build relationships with an offshore network of