Jaryd Clifford

How Running Changed Clifford’s Life  

Jaryd Clifford is a two-time Paralympian. He’s won world championships and smashed world records – but his career came close to taking a different turn.  

“When you’re surrounded by people that assume you can’t do something you start to believe it, even if it’s not true,” Clifford said. 

“Running for me changed my life it was probably the thing that let the shackles off with how I viewed my disability.” 

During primary school, Clifford’s eyesight deteriorated due to juvenile macular degeneration but the middle- and long-distance runner persisted with the sport he loved. 

 “I consider my vision impairment a massive blessing,” he said.  

“It’s potentially given me the biggest gift that I’ve received in my life.” 

Clifford picked up two silver medals and one bronze medal in the 1500m, 5000m, and marathon in Tokyo and is on the cusp of becoming a three-time Paralympian in Paris.  

Reflecting on his journey, Clifford believes the Paralympic movement is not only growing, but changing perceptions for the better. 

“All we need are people that when they see us, they assume possible rather than impossible, they assume that we can do something, rather than that we can’t do something,” he said. 

“The opportunity that the Paralympic movement has is that it shows what people with disabilities can do when they’re given the support.  

“If we can take that example and spread it throughout society, then imagine how much better this world would be. 

“I think that just starts from the assumption of can rather than can’t.”