Sport should be a safe and fair place for all participants. At Paralympics Australia, we offer a safe place for people to raise concerns about behaviour they’ve witnessed or experienced in sport as well as find more information if they have an integrity question.
Staying Safe
Your safety is our first concern
If you are in Australia and in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call your local law enforcement agency or dial triple zero (000).
Report an Integrity Concern
You can report anonymously or make a confidential complaint using any of the three methods below:
- Online Reporting Form
- Phone: (02) 9704 0550
- Email:
All information submitted here is transmitted via secure communication. The platform and email inbox are managed by PA’s Integrity Manager.
Everyone from athletes, officials, parents, support personnel, administrators and supporters play a role in protecting the integrity of our sport. Paralympics Australia (PA) works with Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) to coordinate and manage complaints and reports. Complaints received will be evaluated and either managed by PA], referred to SIA or an appropriate external agency, or passed back to the complainant with suggested pathways for them to pursue where the Complaint is out of scope. There is a step-by-step process which outlines which organisation(s) to make your report or complaint to and how it will be managed.
If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, say something!
What is Sport Integrity?
Threats to a sport’s integrity can include but not limited to:
What can an integrity breach look like?
- Intentional Misrepresentation in Classification
- Doping
- Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Child Safeguarding
- Manipulation of competition results
- Misuse of Illegal Drugs
- Sports Gambling
- Autonomic Dysreflexia and Boosting
Integrity in sport means that participants, officials, supporters, and fans can participate in and enjoy sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, fair, and inclusive environment.
All of our members and participants have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of sport, as well as the health and wellbeing of everyone involved.
We work closely with Sport Integrity Australia, the national coordination agency for sport integrity threats. Visit the Sport Integrity Australia website for more information.
Questions about any integrity related matters can be directed to the Paralympics Australia Integrity and Complaints Manager at
What is the National Integrity Framework?
We take sport integrity seriously and have adopted the National Integrity Framework.
The National Integrity Framework is essentially a set of rules that all members of our sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport. There are four core policies which make up the National Integrity Framework. These are:
- Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (PDF – adopted 8 Jan 2024)
- Member Protection Policy (PDF – adopted 8 Jan 2024)
- Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy (PDF – adopted 8 Jan 2024)
- Competition Manipulation and Sports Gambling Policy (PDF – adopted 8 Jan 2024)
These core policies are underpinned by the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy, which explains how people who have breached a National Integrity Framework policy are held accountable for doing the wrong thing.
- Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy (PDF – adopted 8 Jan 2024)
Check out the National Integrity Framework factsheet and video.
Other Integrity Related Policies
In addition to the National Integrity Framework policies, PA has the following integrity related policies:
- Classification Standard – Intentional Misrepresentation (PDF)
- Codes of Conduct (PDF)
- Boosting Statement (PDF)
- Australian National Anti-Doping Policy
Who Manages Complaints?
As a member of a sport or PA that has signed up to the National Integrity Framework, you can make a Complaint if you believe a fellow member has behaved poorly and potentially breached one of the policies.
If the Complaint is about Child Safeguarding or Discrimination, you can make the Complaint to Sport Integrity Australia.
You can lodge a Child Safeguarding or Discrimination complaint to Sport Integrity Australia by completing the online form.
If you would prefer to talk to someone at Sport Integrity Australia, assistance is available by calling 1300 027 232.
Issues that fall outside of Child Safeguarding and Discrimination can be submitted to your NSO/D unless happening under Paralympic Australia’s jurisdiction in this case you can report directly to PA. If in doubt where you should report your concern you can reach out to SIA or Paralympics Australia who will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Other Support Pathways
Safe Sport Hotline
1800 161 361
7am-7pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
The Safe Sport Hotline is part of an expanded service offered to members of sport to share their story with a trusted member of the Sport Integrity Australia team about integrity issues they have experienced.
The service includes an anonymous reporting capability that covers wider racial and cultural issues in sport for people who feel they have been discriminated against in their sport.
Connect with support
If you, or someone you care about, is struggling with an issue it’s okay to reach out for support.
Bullying in sport
Every person in sport, in every role, has the right to participate in an environment that is fun, safe and healthy, and to be treated with respect, dignity and fairness.
Resource: Bullying in sport and available pathways
Abusive or inappropriate content online
If you have a concern about abusive or inappropriate material online, you can also report it to the eSafety Commissioner for action. eSafety can investigate cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse, image-based abuse (sharing, or threatening to share, intimate images without the consent of the person shown) and illegal and restricted content.
Education and Resources
When it comes to sport integrity, it is critical for everyone who is involved in sport, from grassroots to elite-level athletes, their parents, teachers, coaches, sport administration staff and support personnel, are aware of their rights and responsibilities. There are a range of tools and resources available to help keep everyone informed.
The Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy is designed to protect children and young people in sport by putting in place rules and processes to ensure sporting environments are inclusive, positive and safe for all children and young people, all the time. Check out the fact sheet, videos and other resources.
Member Protection Policy
The Member Protection Policy is designed to protect the welfare, wellbeing and health of everyone involved in sport. It provides clear definitions of abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, victimisation and vilification in sport, along with information on how to report these behaviours. Check out the fact sheet, video and other resources.
Improper Use of Drugs and Medicines Policy
The Improper Use of Drugs and Medicines Policy is designed to protect athletes from harm caused by the improper use of medicines, supplements and illegal drugs. Check out the fact sheet, video and other resources.
Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy
The Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy is designed to keep sport fair by protecting sporting competitions from competition manipulation (also known as match-fixing) and associated betting activity. Check out the fact sheet, video and other resources
Complaints, Disputes and Disciplines Policy
The Complaints, Disputes and Disciplines Policy (CDDP) provides sport and its participants with a best practice complaint management process that can be run by either Sport Integrity Australia or the sport. Check out the fact sheet, video and other resources.
Integrity eLearning
Sport Integrity Australia eLearning offers several online courses relating to sport integrity, including doping, classification, match-fixing, illicit drugs, and ethical decision-making courses. Specific anti-doping courses are also available for coaches, support persons, medical practitioners and parents.
Play by the Rules
Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training to administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.
eSafety Commissioner -eSafety Sport Hub
Online abuse can significantly impact sport members and organisations. The eSafety Commissioner is Australia’s national independent regulator and educator for online safety. eSafety provides guidance on online safety issues including cyberbullying, adult cyber abuse, image-based abuse and illegal or restricted content. eSafety can help to get harmful online content removed if it meets the legal threshold for investigation.
The eSafety Sport hub provides resources to help the sports community including information on how to recognise online abuse and deal with online abuse in sport, as well as tailored advice for sport administrators, coaches and officials, and athletes and competitors.
Stay up to date
Keep up to date with all that is happening in sport integrity by following Sport Integrity Australia on Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn or listen to On Side, the official podcast of Sport Integrity Australia.
You can also download the Sport Integrity App, which are available for free download from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Intentional Misrepresentation
What is IM?
IM is a type of integrity breach in Para sport. It happens when an athlete or athlete support personnel intentionally misleads or attempts to mislead any aspect of Classification.
What can IM look like?
- Not giving full effort during Classification i.e., intentionally underperforming
- Tampering with medical documentation
- Not coming forward with changes to eligible impairment or diagnosis i.e., medical review
- Not reporting IM leading to complicity. Having knowledge but not reporting can lead to consequences.
- Not cooperating with Classification and more…
How can I report IM?
Paralympics Australia is the body that manages national level IM for athletes and support personnel who are involved in national level classification and competition. You can report via any of PA’s three (3) channels:
- Online Reporting Form – (option of anonymity)
- Phone: (02) 9704 0550
- Email: (cc’d in this email)
All information, no matter how big or small, is important and could be crucial in uncovering integrity violations, including IM, within Para sport. We understand reporting can be scary or feel complicated, but all information submitted to PA is transmitted via secure communication and accessed by PAs Integrity Manager, and the independent IM review panel members only.
Should you have a concern of international level IM (i.e. regarding athletes or support personnel who are involved in international competition) this should be reported to either the IPC or International Federation.
Why is this important?
IM is a very serious offence that undermines the integrity of classification and Para-Sport. The consequences can include a sanction from sport, financial implications, stripping of medals or achievement and irreversible reputational damage.
Well-being support
We know reporting or having knowledge of issues like this can bring up a range of emotions and feelings. It’s important to use the support services available to you. Reach out to your NSO Wellbeing or Integrity Managers, if you are unsure who this is write to and we can guide you to the right person.
Anti-Doping Information
What is doping?
Doping is the use of substances or methods that are banned in sport. Doping is cheating because it gives one athlete an advantage over others. Doping is also extremely dangerous to your health and can destroy your reputation.
What is anti-doping?
Anti-doping is a set of rules designed to protect athletes’ rights to participate in sport free of performance enhancing drugs.
It’s anti-doping that keeps sport fair and keeps the playing field level. When athletes choose not to dope, we say they compete clean.
Anti-doping and Paralympics Australia
PA takes a position of zero tolerance toward doping in sport and works closely with Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) in Australia and the IPC and International Federations to ensure a drug-free environment in our sport.
Anti-doping rules apply to all participants of our sport from elite to grassroots. All members must be aware of, and have a basic understanding of, their obligations regarding anti-doping. The Sport Integrity Australia website has a range of information and resources to assist, including:
- information about supplements
- applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption
- submitting whereabouts information
- information about athlete testing
PA’s anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective 1 January 2021, and can be found on the Sport Integrity Australia website.
To report a breach of anti-doping rules, submit either to PA via:
- Online reporting form
- Phone: (02) 9704 0550
- Email,
Or directly to Sport Integrity Australia via:
- Sport Integrity Australia complaint form
- Call 1300 027 232
Education, Resources and Awareness
When it comes to anti-doping, it is critical that our athletes and their support personnel are aware of their rights and responsibilities. There are a range of tools and resources available to help keep participants informed.
Integrity eLearning
Sport Integrity Australia eLearning offers several online courses relating to sport integrity, including doping, match-fixing, illicit drugs, and ethical decision-making courses. Specific anti-doping courses are also available for coaches, support personnel, medical practitioners and parents.
Athletes and support personnel who are required to complete online education can submit their ‘eLearning certificate’ to
Sport Integrity app
The Sport Integrity app is a one-stop shop for all sport integrity needs, designed with athletes in mind.
The app allows users to check whether their medications are banned in sport, find low-risk supplements to reduce their chance of testing positive, and check whether they need a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). The app also provides direction on how to raise concerns about things like doping, child safeguarding or discrimination. It features further information on eLearning modules, whereabouts and testing information and gives users the opportunity to provide feedback to Sport Integrity Australia.
The app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple and Android app stores.
Prohibited List of substances and methods
The Prohibited List outlines the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport. It is updated annually by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Remember that individual products or brands are not named on the Prohibited List. Athletes should check the status of all medications on Global DRO before they use them.
Checking your substances
Global DRO allows users to check whether the most commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medicines in Australia are permitted or prohibited in sport.
If an athlete requires use of a prohibited substance to treat a medical condition, the athlete needs to be aware of the TUE requirements. For more information on a TUE visit the Sport Integrity Australia website.